Domain Checker
Domain registration availability check
Enter the URL in the format:
Enter the URL in the format:
To find an available domain name, use the search bar to check if your website name is ready for registration or not available. If your domain is already taken, try making an offer to the site owner. If your ideal domain name is taken, change some characters or add dashes for example.
Search engines like Google treat all domains as equals, meaning that just because you have a .com domain name doesn't guarantee a higher ranking.
If you can, it is recommended that you register various domain extensions such as .com, .net, and .org along with your chosen TLD. This way you can redirect your visitors back to your main website, preventing visitors from visiting the wrong website. In addition, your competitors will not be able to confuse your users by buying the same domain in a different root domain.
You can choose from 1 to 63 characters for your domain name, but keep in mind that the shorter it is, the more memorable it will be that's how SEO works.